Judith Glück

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Wisdom Scientist
Wisdom Scientist
Name Judith Glück
Key Role Wisdom-related Research
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Universities MA University of Vienna<be>PhD University of Vienna
Graduate Year 1999
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Prof. Judith Glück is Professor of Developmental Psychology at Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt, Austria.

Professor, Psychology Alpen-Adria-University, Austria

Judith Glück is Professor of Developmental Psychology at Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt, Austria. She received her diploma (1995, MA-equivalent), doctorate (1999, PhD-equivalent), and Venia legendi (2001, tenure) in Psychology at the University of Vienna, Austria, and then moved to Klagenfurt in 2007. After completing her dissertation, she spent three years as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Max Planck Institute of Human Development in Berlin, where she worked with Paul B. Baltes. Currently, she is head of a research-focused lifespan developmental psychology department. The main focus of her current work is wisdom, including how wisdom develops in the course of individual lives, how wisdom could be measured in an ecologically valid way, gender differences in the development and manifestation of wisdom, and ways to foster wisdom. Her research has been funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF and the European Commission. She has published in international journals including Psychology and Agingand Memory & Cognition. In 2005, she received the City of Vienna Scientist Award.

Judith has suggested the ways that life experiences foster wisdom.

Source: Center for Practical Wisdom, University of Chicago